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Who and When

  • The table below is a visual guide to the number of people that will be on Expo during each week.

Red means you're there that week, orange means 'undecided/flexible', yellow means 'there for half week', grey means you're not.

Week 1 is at the same time as the UIS conference in Brno.

Weeks run Saturday to Saturday.

Name (making_this_col_wider) Length of expoage
Week 1

(20 July -> 27 July)

Week 2

(27 July -> 3 Aug)

Week 3

(3 Aug -> 10 Aug)

Week 4

(10 Aug -> 17 Aug)

Week 5

(17 Aug -> 25 Aug)

Transport Arrangements (making_this_col_even_wider.............)
Wookey Going to UIS congress. Empty van on the way out so keen to give someone a lift and can go via expo.
Jenny Black 4 weeks Independent transport - flying from NZ. 20th July - 19th August
Olly Betts 4 weeks Independent transport - flying from NZ. 20th July - 19th August
Stuart Walker 4 weeks Lift to Expo from Becka and Julian
Becka Lawson 4 weeks Driving to expo at start (drop off gear, pick up passengers), then to and from the conference in first week from there with Stuart and Julian
Julian Todd 4 weeks As Becka; Would like to be hang-gliding as much as possible, in Greifenburg (2hrs south by car) if necessary with Becka and Stuart
Chris Densham 2 weeks Driving car to and from Oxford giving Holly and Martin a lift both ways and one of Matt / Cameron / Cormac
Holly Bradley 2 weeks Out and back with Chris D
Noel Snape 2 weeks Boo-hoo, Noel can no longer make it
Martin Green 2 weeks Out and back with Chris D
Anthony Day 2 weeks Travelling independently from Norway via UIS congress
Julia Day 2 weeks Travelling independently from Norway via UIS congress. Base camp skivvy (not caving)
Alex Crow 4 weeks Taking 2 of Matt, Cameron, Cormac with Chris D taking third
Matt Watson 4 weeks Out with Chris D / Alex; back with Becka / Alex
Cameron Bullen 4 weeks Out with Chris D / Alex; back with Fleur / Becka / Alex
Cormac Doyle 2 weeks Out and back with Chris Densham
Neil Pacey 3 weeks Not sure what Neil's transport plans are yet (or exact dates)
Fleur Loveridge 2 weeks Driving with Pete
Pete Talling 2 weeks Driving with Fleur
Andrew Atkinson 2 weeks Driving with Pete and Fleur
Chris Burnley 3 weeks Out with Pete and Fleur; back with Becka / Alex
Tom Clayton Independent transport, arriving and leaving by train.
Mark Shinwell Independent transport
Joe Bache He'll be driving his van/bus from Baden Baden, Germany; he's not sure of his exact dates yet but can offer a lift to one person from there