CUCC is 60 in 2009: Come to Yorkshire on 18-20 September to help us celebrate!
The 60th anniversary dinner weekend to be held at the Dalesbridge centre ( in the Yokshire Dales on the week-end 19-20 of September 2009.
We will have cave permits and lots of rope available, but if you don't fancy caving there are plentiful options including walking, biking and cake eating in Ingleton! Please let me know if you want particular permits for that week-end.
There will be a dinner at the Dalesbridge on the Saturday night, to be accompanied by slides shows, tall tales, silly games and copious rivers of flowing ale. The menu options are as follows:
More details will follow but right now we need you to:
- put the dates in your diary - forward this email to all your mates who aren't on this list and who might want to come - give us some dosh so we can keep our reservation and to make sure there's room for you
There are a limited number of B&B and bunk beds available at the Dalesbridge plus room for over 100 tents. Spaces for dinners and accommodation will be assigned on a first come first served basis.
If you want to come (and you really should!) go to this link to fill in your details and follow the instructions about where to send the money. Your reservation will only be made when we get your cheque or online bank transfer.
Please email at cucc DOT dinner DOT lady AT gmail DOT com