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Revision as of 14:19, 10 May 2009 by Martin (talk | contribs)
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Last year we dealt very well with the accident. But it makes sense to look back and ask what we could have done better/how we could have been more prepared in case of future accidents. Please add any ideas you have, whether you were around last year or not; or explain if you think any of the ideas are bad.

Rescue Grab Bag

A tacklesack which lives at the bivy containing:

  • karrimat
  • candles
  • stove (e.g mini trangia)
  • cigarette lighter(s)
  • storm shelter
  • big survival bag
  • basic first aid stuff

Also at the bivy we could use:

  • a new stretcher?
  • a new emergency sleeping bag

First Aid Kit Suggestions

  • How easy is it to get hold of stronger painkillers?
    • There are risks involved in using stronger painkillers, particularly morphiates, they can kill. I would suggest that to get stronger painkillers would be the easy bit, compared with finding people properly trained in their use. Having said that it may be possible to find a doctor who is prepared to teach specific people the indications, contraindications and proper use. Having said that I do not know who to approach. MG
  • redo first aid kits from scratch - yellow one got very wet and no list of contents and no guidance for use plus lots missing.
    • We also should be drying out first aid kits when they get wet. The yellow one was let wet for almost a year. Was the orange first aid kit used for the rest of last expo, or did the yellow one stay up the hill. MG
  • reduce numbers of first aid kits and keep them all together - there were at least 5 at base camp! - why do we need more that one there?
    • The normal plan is to have a medium and a small kit at base camp. If there is only one camp, then the extra underground and camp first aid kits, along with any spare first aid material can be left in Cambridge. MG

Map with cave entrances marked

We had a bit of trouble explaining to the Austrians where the entrance was. It would be useful to have a map with all the major entrances marked on together with their coordinates.

Accident analysis

Here is a draft of an accident analysis. Please amend as necessary (there are some details missing, particularly the times at which things happened). I have not yet completed the section on 'Problems encountered' or 'Analysis and recommendations' because I would like some input from other people first - so please add your comments! Kathryn 10:12, 29 April 2009 (UTC)

Accident analysis