President: Aaron Curtis, Robinson (ac511 at Aaron deals with the overall running of the Club. Contact him for general enquiries.
Senior Treasurer: James Hickson, Pembroke (jcdh1 at James oversees the running of the Club's finances. Please note that day-to-day transactions and enquiries should go to Serena (see below).
Junior Treasurer: Serena Povia, Churchill(sp422 at Serena deals with the Club's finances. Email her if you have any queries regarding trip costs.
Secretary: John Billings, Queens' (jnb26 at John deals with general Club paperwork, including insurance and subscriptions to the relevant national caving bodies.
Social Secretary: Adam Kessler, King's (apk27 at Adam oversees social events such as pubmeets, curries, and the fresher's squash. Ollie Stevens (Tacklemaster below) is currently holding the lunches.
Meets Secretary: Lucy Freem, Robinson (ljf41 at . Lucy arranges the meets schedule, booking of huts and permits for meets.
Tackle Master: Ollie Stevens, Robinson (oacs2 at Ollie looks after the CUCC Tackle Store and its contents. He is also responsible for allocating gear tape colours.
Training Officers: Olly Madge, Catz and Pete Harley, Catz (oghm2-cucc at Olly and Pete deal with matters relating to instruction in caving techniques within the club. They are responsible for the training sessions.
Webmaster: John Billings, Queens' (jnb26 at John is responsible for this website.
Librarian: Kathryn Hopkins, Catz (kh311 at Kathryn looks after the CUCC Library in Pembroke College (ask a Club member where it is if you want to use it).