We drink every Tuesday night starting at 9.30pm, usually in the Castle Inn on Castle Street . Generally there will be at least a few people wearing obvious CUCC stash, so you shouldn't have trouble finding us. This is a great time to get to know other Club members, have a chat and arrange trips underground.
Do note that it is very much easier to arrange trips in person at the pub rather than over email, so please do try to come along if you can.
Pubmeets continue throughout the vacations, usually starting later at about 10pm.
A traditional Cambridge term for an informal gathering of societies to introduce themselves to freshers and other prospective members. The caving club typically holds one squash at the beginning of the Michaelmas term, with free food and drink provided. There is usually a slideshow with details of the club's adventures, and plenty of opportunities to discuss caving with the current members.
Other events
Various other socials are organised during the term, typically including curry nights, Formal Halls, brewery tours, etc. Watch the Calendar for details.