David L

Account short name: DavidL
Number of transactions: 9

Negative amounts indicate that David L is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2018-03-26food 27.84 (32.00 EURO)backery
2018-03-28food 135.40 (155.64 EURO)groceries
2018-03-29food 54.61 (62.78 EURO)groceries
2018-03-29food 19.00 (21.85 EURO)backery
2018-03-30food 14.79 (17.00 EURO)backery
2018-03-31food 14.65 (16.85 EURO)backery
2018-03-31food 47.00 (54.03 EURO)groceries
2018-04-16food -44.717/82 of the total from food (-523.86)
2018-04-16hut -67.608/86 of the total from hut (-726.76)
Grand total:200.98

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Processed at 22:01 on 2018-04-16.