Account short name: Veera
Number of transactions: 10
Negative amounts indicate that Veera is indebted to a creditor.
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Creditor/Debtor | Amount | Description |
2018-03-24 | car2 | 55.68 (64.00 EURO) | to Ardeche |
2018-03-25 | car2 | 42.63 (49.00 EURO) | to Ardeche |
2018-03-31 | car2 | 50.46 (58.00 EURO) | return |
2018-04-01 | car2 | 26.10 (30.00 EURO) | F1 |
2018-04-02 | car2 | 46.11 (53.00 EURO) | return |
2018-04-16 | car2 | -73.66 | 1/3 of the total from car2 (-220.98) |
2018-04-16 | food | -0.08 | Unlucky: arithmetic error from food split |
2018-04-16 | food | -44.71 | 7/82 of the total from food (-523.86) |
2018-04-16 | hut | -0.06 | Unlucky: arithmetic error from hut split |
2018-04-16 | hut | -59.15 | 7/86 of the total from hut (-726.76) |
Income: | 220.98 | ||
Expenditure: | 177.66 | ||
Grand total: | 43.32 |
Processed at 22:01 on 2018-04-16.